Beau, a poem in memory of a dear companion, by iamnobird94

Beau, in memory.10516769_10203044027837663_462933961650882939_n

I know a many reason
Why I loved you so.
Your eyes like forest fire
Gleaming in the snow.
Your smile so very captivating,
I’d simply call and you would run
You’d tilt your head so slightly
To almost let me know:
That whenever you saw me laugh
Or when I felt alone.
You would understand me,
Our hearts linked as one.
And whenever I felt empty, broken or confused
You’d lean your head on me
Look into my heart, and reach into my soul.
You’d make me feel whole.

Hi WordPress Bloggers and Word lovers! I hope you liked my poem, this poem is in memory of my beautiful, wonderful, and best companion “Beau”. Who passed away on this day exactly one year ago. She was only 6 years old, and she died in pain and in my arms, and it is a moment I shall never forget. For when we first got her, she was a scared little puppie, cowering in my arms in the back of the car. My friend came home in my arms, and she left this earth the same way. I won’t ever, ever forget her. For those of you who understand, who have lost a pet, friend or companion. I am so very sorry, it takes away some of your heart you never really get back. RIP Beau. Until we meet again.

If you liked my poetry do have a look at my other work on WordPress, if you have any questions or feedback do comment, I LOVE hearing from you all. Thanks.

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